People are always questioning what are you going to do with your life, what career field are you going into. I simply reply I am currently a student I will be graduating in May in Respiratory Therapy. I was get a wow that awesome, but always a puzzled look because they are never quite sure what exactly a respiratory therapist does. A simple what do they do is always followed. I smile and say we help save lives. Once your in the medical field you see so much you have to be a strong, and compassionate person. It's not for everyone. But I would personally say that a respiratory therapist is a nurse specifically for the heart and lungs. That is the best answer that I am able to come up with. The lungs and the heart work hand and hand, and without either you wouldn't be alive.
Never take a breath for granted is easily said but its the honest truth with out that single breath we would not be here. The first thing a baby does when they are brought into this world is they take that very first breath and we hear that beautiful cry. Even as a student I've seen so many tragic situations and in my own personal life as well. The airway followed by breathing is the first steps in basic life saving. That is where the respiratory therapist come into play. When a Code happens in a hospital setting a RT is one of the first ones called to the patient to help establish an airway, assist in ventilation manually or depending on the patient we are able to set up a ventilator so that way it could breath for the patient.
When a child has an allergic reaction to peanuts, or is having an asthma attack and there airway is closing up RT is there to calm the child there, administer breathing treatments to help the child be able to regain there ability to breath again.
When a patient is on life support and the family is ready to discontinue support the RT is there and is the one who has to pull the plug.
When a new born baby is born and is unable to take there first breath, the RT is there and to help the new baby and assist in the first breath
When you know your patient is strong enough to breath on there own who is there to help them work hard to strengthen there muscles and help wean them off the breathing machine, RT
When you are finally able to remove the breathing tube from a patient who is there supporting you, and watching take your very first unassisted breath
The saddest part is respiratory therapist are often not given the credit they deserve. It all goes to the nurses. Which most of it should but we work just as hard and equally with each other to get the patients well. Because a breath should never be taken for granted.
I admire anyone who chooses a medical career to follow. I honestly don't think I have the stomach for what you have to do on a daily basis.